A loan helped to purchase more acacia saplings and fertilizer for planting.

Thanh's story

At 61 years old, Mrs. Thanh has dedicated over 30 years of her life to farming and livestock raising. She lives in a mountainous area of Cam Thuy District in the Thanh Hoa Province. She is a member of an ethnic minority group. Her family has faced many challenges, but they remain resilient and hopeful for a brighter future.

Her husband is a manual laborer, and together they work hard to sustain their livelihood. For many years, Mrs. Thanh has cultivated crops and raised animals, though their income has been unstable due to small-scale production and a lack of capital.

In an effort to expand her farming activities, Mrs. Thanh has set her sights on growing acacia trees, which she plans to harvest for timber. With the intention of increasing the scale of her operations, she hopes to purchase more acacia saplings and fertilizer. To achieve this, she turned to Thanh Hoa MFI for financial assistance. Through this loan, she hopes to secure the necessary resources to grow her acacia plantation and boost her family’s income.

Mrs. Thanh is optimistic that within five years, the acacia trees will be ready for harvesting, providing a stable and reliable income for her family.

This loan is special because:

It supports women from ethnic communities and single parent families.

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