A loan helped to drill a well to be installed with a solar panel energy system for his rice farming business.

Sophy's story

Mr. Sophy is 58 years old and has been a farmer for 30 years. He is married with one son, aged 13 years who is a student.

He grows wet season rice paddy on five hectares of farmland. The harvested yield he gets is 2.5 tons of crops per hectare. He sells this to his local merchant who buys the crops from his farm.

To get more rice crops, for sale on the market, he also rents another villager’s farming land which is around two more hectares to grow this wet season rice. The renting cost is around $100 per hectare per year.

To make sure his rice is getting enough water, all of the time, he has borrowed a loan of 3,500 USD to drill a well to be installed with a solar panel energy system for his rice farming business.

This loan is special because:

It enables rural farmers to make investments and increase their incomes.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details