A loan helped to purchase three young calves to raise for sale.

Soan's story

Ms. Soan, a 56-year-old farmer from Đông Sơn District, Vietnam, is married with three children. Her eldest son and her daughter are both married, while her youngest son is currently working.

With more than 20 years of experience in agriculture, Ms. Soan remains dedicated to farming. Despite her hard work, her family continues to face financial challenges as a poor household with low income in their village.

Ms. Soan is seeking her seventh loan from Thanh Hoá MFI to further develop her livestock farming business. She intends to use the funds to purchase three young calves, which she plans to raise for about a year before selling them to generate additional income. This loan will enable her to sustain and expand her agricultural activities, contributing to her family’s financial stability.

Looking ahead, Ms. Soan dreams of a brighter future for her family. She hopes her children will secure stable jobs and aims to save enough money to build a new house, improving their quality of life.

This loan is special because:

It supports women from ethnic communities and single parent families.

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