A loan helped to expand his pig-rearing business.

Theogene's story

Theogene is a 41-year-old man who resides in Muhanga town with his wife and children. He has been working in agriculture for more than six years now, rearing goats, chickens and pigs. Three years ago, he decided to increase his efforts in rearing pigs because pigs are more in demand at the markets and he got insufficient harvest from the pigs he had.

He is requesting 900,000 Rwandan francs from Clecam Ejoheza Plc to expand his pig-rearing business to provide more pigs, meat, and fertilizers. He will use the loan to build pig guards, buy a lot of young pigs, and buy feed and medicines.

After the expansion he expects to sell more pigs and meat and earn more profit. Then he will be able to cater for his family and invest in other business.

Theogene is very thankful for your support!

This loan is special because:

This loan focuses on providing low-cost funding to women and youth in rural areas in Rwanda.

Loan details

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