A loan helped to buy a head of cattle to feed, benefit from its dairy, and then sell to the village people in markets.

Hagag's story

Hagag is 30, married, and has 2 kids with different levels of education. He lives in a poor village in upper Egypt. His wife is a housewife. He has a cattle project, which is considered his family's main income source.

He asked for a loan to buy a head of cattle to feed, benefit from its dairy, and then sell to the village people in markets. The profit will help him to improve his income and help his kids to have a good education and a better life. Also, it will help his sister with her marriage expenses. He also wants to get this loan to help his elderly mother to have the necessary tests and get the necessary treatment.

Hagag is a good client and repaid all the due installments on time. He aspires to get this loan to continue his success.

This loan is special because:

It contributes to sustainable development in a community with high unemployment.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details