A loan helped to purchase cows to raise for sale.

Lý's story

Lý is a 47-year-old woman who is married and has three children. Two of her children are grown, while her youngest, a 16-year-old, is still attending school. The family lives in a remote mountainous area in Cẩm Thủy district.

Her husband works as a manual laborer, but his work is unstable and provides an inconsistent income. To support her family, Lý works as a garment worker and raises livestock on a small scale to supplement their earnings. Her family was recognized as a poor household.

To further improve her family's income, Lý plans to buy three more cows to raise. She has calculated that after about a year, each cow could bring a profit of approximately $300, offering a significant financial boost to her family. However, due to insufficient savings, she is seeking her second loan from Thanh Hóa MFI to purchase these cows.

With this plan, Lý hopes to secure a better future for her family and provide a stable education for her youngest child.

This loan is special because:

It supports women from ethnic communities and single parent families.

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