A loan helped to purchase two buffaloes to raise for sale.

Lan's story

Mrs. Lan, a 42-year-old woman, is married and lives in a mountainous area of Cẩm Thủy district. Most of her children are grown, except for her youngest child, who is still in school. Her husband works as a manual laborer, while she engages in rice farming and livestock raising to support their family. In addition to these responsibilities, Mrs. Lan also works as a hired laborer for local farms in the area.

To improve her family's income, Mrs. Lan plans to purchase two buffaloes, raise them for a year, and then sell them. She estimates that each buffalo could yield a profit of approximately $200 to $300 after a year of care. However, she currently lacks the capital needed for this investment.

Mrs. Lan is seeking her first loan from Thanh Hóa MFI to turn her plans into reality. With the additional income, she hopes to alleviate her family’s financial difficulties and provide a better future for her youngest child.

This loan is special because:

It allows remote rural farmers make investments and increase their income

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