A loan helped to purchase organic fertilizers that will improve the fertility of her crops in a sustainable way.

Luz's story

Luz is a determined farmer from Patía, Cauca, with 40 years of experience. She has a one-hectare plot of land where she has planted over 8,000 cacao trees along with 100 lemon trees, distributed in different growth stages to maximize production and ensure continuous harvests throughout the year. Luz fertilizes her crops with organic waste made from fruit and vegetable peels, which allows her to enrich the soil naturally and sustainably, promoting plant growth without resorting to chemical fertilizers.

Luz is a single mother and lives with her two daughters in a house near her land. They help her manage the crops and attend the local school.

A loan of 1,923,050 COP will allow Luz to purchase organic fertilizers, which will enrich the soil and improve the growth of her crops. This investment will contribute to healthier and more sustainable production.

This loan is special because:

The purpose of this loan is to bring financial inclusion to these impacted areas of Colombia

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