Mrs. Laura Emperatriz J. is 55 and lives in the Luis Andres Zuniga housing development in the city of Tegucigalpa. She sells shoes, wallets, bags and personal-use items from a catalogue, such as creams, lotions, perfumes, deodorants, shampoos, soaps, cosmetics, lipsticks, nail polish, etc.
Laura works from Monday to Saturday. In order to acquire her products, Laura buys merchandise from the US. Her son, who lives there, buys them and sends them to her monthly.
She will use this loan for the purchase of shoes, wallets and bags for women, and catalogue products.
Her goal is to be able to buy more each time, in order to have more products and, in the end, a better income.
Laura tells us that she is happy and that things have always gone well for her, and she hopes they will go even better.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Christine Cooper. View original language description.