A loan helped a member to purchase drinks, vegetables, greens, breads, dairy products, among other things.

San Pablo Torin Group's story

San Pablo Torin is a group that is in their third cycle and where among its members is the dreamer Maria Feliciana who stands out. She is the president of the group, an active person who fights to get ahead, and to be able to offer her loved ones everything they need for a better quality of life.

Maria Feliciana defines herself as a fighter who, despite difficulties, looks for a way to get ahead and achieve everything she sets out to do. She is a single mother of 5 children, who are her greatest source of effort and daily struggle. She shares that she is dedicated to sales, and that through her business she generates the necessary income to be able to help her family.

The loan request is to purchase all types of products for sale, such as drinks, vegetables, breads, dairy products, among other things.

In this group: Maria Feliciana, Lorena, Maria Belen, Ramona, Susana, Liz Noelia, Maria Clara, Olga, Mary Estela, Noelia Juliana, Maria Cristina, Nilsa, Maria Ester, Maria Magdalena, Zulma, Fatima Mercedes, Mirna Elizabeth, Perla Petronilda, Maria Dejesus, Maria Carmen, Victoriana, Maricel

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Wuertz.

This loan is special because:

It includes a basic health insurance plan.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details