A loan helped a member to buy fertilizer for her coffee field.

Ang Nua 150 Group's story

Xien is a mother of two daughters and both of them are going to work as hired laborers; her husband unfortunately passed away a few years ago.

Xien is a very hardworking farmer as she is illiterate so agriculture is her main source of income. In addition to growing rice and coffee, she also raises pigs to generate income. She always tries to go the extra mile to bring the best for her family.

With this loan, she bought fertilizers for coffee to increase productivity. She has been growing this plant for years and is planning to expand her crop area. With the profits, she intends to focus on livestock farming and strengthen her savings. Thank you for this support from Kiva lenders.

In this photo, she is standing in the right corner.

In this group: Xien , Tham , Phuong

This loan is special because:

It provides financial and other support to families living in vulnerable communities.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details