A loan helped a member to buy merchandise.

El Renacer Zeballos Cue Group's story

Felicia is the mother of a son and a member of the El Renacer Zeballos Cue credit group. This activity allowed her to get into the world of clothes selling from her home. She decided to start this business to cover her household expenses and at the same time, be close to her son. Although she had her own business previously, thanks to the support of the loan she was able to get a freezer to outfit her store, which facilitated the growth of her business.

Felicia's dream is for her business to grow, for more customers to come, and for it to become a more stable source of income. In addition, she wants to get trained in the area of finances so that she can apply the knowledge she acquires to managing her business and optimizing its functioning.

With the present loan, she plans on investing in t-shirts, shorts, men's underwear, sheets, and jeans to expand her inventory.

Other members of the group sell sweet and savory snacks, kebabs, pizzas, have a store, a hair salon, and other businesses.

On this occasion, Felicia is alone in the photo because not all of the members of the group could attend the day of the meeting due to bad weather.

In this group: Felicia, Eliana, Blasida Celeste, Blanca Aquilina, Maria Delurde, Maria Regalada, Martha Cecilia, Lucia Vanesa, Marcia Stefania, Virginia Lujan, Maria Maxima, Lizie Rossana, Alina Zoraida, Norma Jovina, Claudia Carolina, Juana Gregoria

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Donohue.

This loan is special because:

It helps low income entrepreneurs access working capital and grow their businesses.

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