A loan helped to buy more cows as a result of the increased price of meats on the market and the demand for cows.

Blandine's story

Blandine is a mother to four children. After losing her husband over sickness, she entered the business with the core purpose of sustaining her kids and keeping the standards of living her husband had set as she was a stay-at-home mom.

Using the family's savings, Blandine took her existing land owned and started keeping cattle. Her determination, resilience, and hard work made her business grow year by year. She added a variety of cows based on her clients' demand (milk and meat).

In 2023, Blandine got an Inkomoko Capital loan of 1.5M RWF which positively affected her. The livestock had remarkably grown, and she expanded her activities and started to sell to the external markets. As the business was growing, she also hired two persons permanently and another person temporarily to help her with this business.

Blandine is requesting a loan to buy more cows as result of increased in the price of meats on the market and the demand for cows as well. She has repaid her previous loan.

Currently, she is looking for another investment to keep boosting her business. Considering Blandine's credit history, her business capacity, her investment plan, her collateral FSV and her monthly sales, she hopes you will support her loan.

This loan is special because:

It help refugees integrate into their host communities.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details