Rosbelis Sarais is 38 years old, separated, and has 2 children, ages 11 and 15. She is from Venezuela, but due to social problems and insecurity in her country, she decided to emigrate 7 years ago to Ecuador.
She lived one year in El Empalme, and the other 6 years she’s been living in the city of Santo Domingo, a place of great business activity in the country. It is also a place with tourist attractions and a vast hydrological wealth since it is one of the main sources of fresh water in the country.
She is a persistent woman who does not give up in face of adversities and looks for ways to gain her own resources to give her children a decent living. Despite the difficulties of being mom and dad at the same time, she is able to do it thanks to her effort.
She works as a promoter at an appliances store, but on the weekends, she has her own venture as an entertainer for children’s parties, wearing costumes as per the customers’ requests and according to the theme of the party. She also makes in her house floral arrangements, and her children help her with the animation of the events.
This loan will be used to invest in costumes for her animations and to buy flowers, baskets, and other items.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Marila Arana. View original language description.