Cristian Ecuador and his family live in the canton of Montecristi. It is a place known for it's rich precolonial culture and its crafts, recognized nationally and internationally.
He is a very hardworking woman looking for the way to earn an income to give his family a decent life. He earns a living selling seafood.
He buys his product at the area beaches where the fishers have fresh, good quality seafood.
After cleaning the seafood, he sells it to customers who come to his house to buy it. He keeps it in a freezer there, so it doesn't go bad.
He also delivers to restaurants and typical food shops who ask for it since his products have a good weight and price.
Doing this, and thanks to the help of the loans, he is able to keep going. So he is very grateful, and he's asking you all for continued assistance.
This loan is for buying fish, squid, shrimp, and other seafood.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Chris Brown. View original language description.