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A loan helped to buy additional items for her sari-sari store.

Liezel's story

Liezel is 40 years old. She is married and has 5 children.

Liezel works hard to provide for her family. She owns a sari-sari store in the Philippines and has been running it for 10 years. She also earns additional income from food vending.

Liezel has requested a PHP 11,000 loan through NWTF to buy additional items such as canned goods and noodles to sell in her sari-sari store. She has borrowed and repaid 4 previous loans from NWTF.

Liezel aspires to improve her sari-sari store business so that she can send her all her children to college.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Contributing lenders (8)
  • ONE WORLD Eikelandsosen, Norway
  • P
    Pirkko Joensuu, Finland, Finland
  • Nicola Staythorpe, United Kingdom
  • Deniz Brisbane, Australia
Contributing teams (3)

Loan details

Eikelandsosen, Norway
Joensuu, Finland, Finland
Staythorpe, United Kingdom
Brisbane, Australia
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