A loan helped to buy more ingredients that will be used to prepare cooked food to sell.

Kpannah's story

Meet 37-year-old Kpannah, from Liberia. She is living together with her partner, along with one child. She is a hardworking businesswoman who sells cooked food and drinks. For the past 15 years, she has been operating her business. She uses a car to transport supplies to her business site and works six days a week.

Kpannah requested this loan from BRAC Liberia, a Kiva lending partner. With this loan, she plans to invest in her business by buying more ingredients that will be used to prepare cooked food to sell and generating greater profits.

She loves her work because it supports her family.

This loan is special because:

It serves low-income individuals in rural Liberia where few alternative funding sources exist.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details