A loan helped to pay for her son's tuition.

Chamangul's story

Chamangul is a kind 66-year-old woman from the Konibodom district. For the past 20 years, she has been sewing women’s clothing, a craft she has mastered with dedication and love. Her husband works as a home repair specialist.

Chamangul and her husband have children, two of whom are over the age of 18. Currently, their youngest son, a 19-year-old, is a university student. He was recently admitted to the university, a proud moment for the family.

However, Chamangul does not have any savings to cover her son’s tuition fees. She sees obtaining a loan as the only viable option to ensure her son continues his education. When she approached MDO “Humo,” she was offered an education loan with low-interest rates, which she found very appealing. The entire loan amount will be used to pay for her son’s tuition.

Chamangul is determined to support her son’s dream of earning a higher education and building a brighter future. She believes that with your support, her son will achieve his academic goals, and she sincerely thanks you for your assistance.

This loan is special because:

It helps cover educational expenses for low-income students.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details