A loan helped to buy mulberry for her tapa making business.

Sofia's story

This is Sofia, who is is married and is a mother of two kids. They all live together in their own house.

Sofia started up this tapa making business for one reason - to make a living for her family. Her husband works in security at the flea market in town, and her two kids are currently attending school.

Once a week, Sofia joins a group of women to make whole tapa using the soft tapa. She can make a soft tapa by herself, by beating up the raw mulberry to make a soft tapa. Soft tapa is very important in tapa making. She then sells her soft tapa to the local people and to some members of her groups. In her tapa making group, they make whole tapa, and at the same time they do tapa designing using their own designs, and that produces extra income for them.

Sofia has earned good income from her tapa making business. She uses the money to cover her family's needs and wants, to educate her two kids, and also for her loan repayment.

She applied for this loan to buy mulberry to use for her tapa making. With more mulberry available, the more chance to make more tapa.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

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