Diana Monserrate and her family live in the village of Sequita de Montecristi. It is well known for the famous hats they make from toquilla straw that are appreciated inside and outside the country. The residents also work in farming and raising animals.
Diana Monserrate is a very good woman who helps her family with household expenses. In her house, she has a grocery store where she sells every day, and she is raising chickens and pigs in the yard of her house where she has a corral. When the animals have a good weight, she sells them to merchants who come to buy them alive. She works every day. She is very grateful to the people who help with the loans. Thus she is able to continue improving her sales. She hopes you will continue to support her.
This loan is to buy pigs, chickens, bread, milk, sausages, chocolates, sweets, jellies, colas, water, rice, etc.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Joann S. View original language description.