A loan helped to buy fertilizers for his maize garden and to add some capital to his mobile money business.

Apollo's story

Apollo is 33 years old. He is a married man with two children; two of them are school going. He lives in the Western Region of the country.

Apollo is a farmer who deals in maize growing. He also owns a mobile money business in his trading center, which is operated by his wife. He has been facing a challenge of low harvests in his maize plantation during the harvesting season, due to lack of fertilizers.

Apollo is a first-time borrower who needs a loan to buy fertilizers for his maize plantation, which will improve his harvests during the harvesting season. He also needs some money to add to his mobile money business.

This loan is special because:

It helps increase the productivity and income of rural farmers in Uganda.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details