A loan helped to buy more sacks of maize , rice, beans and simsim.

Agnes's story

Agnes is a 40-year-old lady. She is married with two school-going children. She is a resident of the outskirts of Lira city. She is a new client dealing in produce in Lira city. She has been in the produce business for some years. She is experienced and she has been able to support her husband with family expenses like medical care.

She faces the challenge of limited funds to expand her business. She has requested funds worth 2M UGX to buy more sacks of maize, rice, beans and sim sim. She hopes her revenue will increase and, as a family, they will be able to keep their children in school.

Thank you, funders.

This loan is special because:

It helps rural farmers to increase productivity and their income.

Loan details

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Loan details