A loan helped to acquire a new industrial sewing machine.

Ana Margarita's story

Ana Margarita is 25 years old, single, and has no children. She lives with her parents in the rural section of the District of Monsefú, an area that is known for its tourist and religious festivals. This community is located twenty minutes away from the city of Chiclayo. The main business activities in this village are flower production, handicrafts, and livestock breeding. For such a small community, the area is full of vegetation and receives basic services such as electricity and water. A drainage system is being planned.

Ana Margarita manufactures all types of clothing for women, men, and children. She has a booth at the Central Market of Chiclayo where she attends to her customers and performs her duties. Ana Margarita is well-known in the area and already has an established customer base. Prior to starting her own business, she worked for a company as a seamstress. She has more than five years of experience in this field. This business enables her to cover her personal expenses and help her parents with the family expenses.

She wants to use this loan to acquire a new industrial sewing machine which will help her develop in her trade, minimize the time required to complete the clothes, and maximize her production. For this reason, she is requesting a loan from Edpyme Alternativa (a Kiva Field Partner) in the amount of 2000 PEN.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

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