A loan helped to buy rice, bread, butter, coffee, sugar, sweets, soft drinks, beans, flour, dairy products, etc.

Maria Elizabeth's story

Maria is 60 years old and a single mother. She has two children and lives with her family in the Atlántida department.

Maria has had a grocery shop in her house for one year. There, she sells staple goods, such as rice, bread, butter, coffee, sugar, sweets, soft drinks, beans, flour, dairy products and more. Maria wants to stock up her business and has decided to apply for a loan of 30,000 Lempiras. She will use this to buy rice, bread, butter, coffee, sugar, sweets, soft drinks, beans, flour, dairy products, and more.

This loan will help Maria to have more products to offer to customers, to increase sales and, therefore, her income.

Maria's goal is to continue expanding her business in order to generate a higher income and offer her family a higher quality of life.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Iain Gaw.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by financial education and provides borrowers access to a savings account.

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