Janeth Mariuxi is 49 years old. She is in a free union relationship and has 4 children, 3 of which are adults and independent and a 16-year-old who goes to school. Her husband is a welder. They live in Charapotó, where people are dedicated to agriculture and livestock as their main job. They grow vegetables that are sold in different parts of the country and their rice is considered the best in Ecuador.
Janeth Mariuxi is a great woman who helps her husband with household expenses. In her free time she offers a wide variety of clothes, shoes and different products from Oriflame, Avon, Belcorp (lbel, cyzone, esika) catalogues (beauty products, cosmetics, perfumes and accessories for women). She sells these products to her clients house to house. She sells on credit and gets repaid every 8 days. She also sells through WhatsApp and social media. She makes deliveries to homes within the city.
This loan is to buy makeup, moisturising creams, shampoo, shoes, sandals, perfumes, nail polish, deodorants, necklaces, bracelets, etc.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer E. Power. View original language description.