A loan helped to buy hair extensions, hair oils, hair sprays and other materials to use in her salon business.

Slivia's story

Slivia is a 37-year-old married lady with six children and lives in Rakai district. Slivia derives her income from operating a salon, and she also does seasonal farming, especially growing passion fruits. She has a supportive husband who always helps her, especially in her seasonal farming.

Slivia has been a client of EBO SACCO and she has paid her loans from her previous loan cycles well. So she is requesting a loan to expand her salon business by buying hair extensions, hair oils, hair sprays and other materials so that she can increase her income and earn money for her home expenses and school fees for her children.

This loan is special because:

It enables access to finance for vulnerable women and youth in rural populations

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details