A loan helped to purchase fertilizers and pesticides for his coffee plantation so as to improve on the yields.

Alex's story

Alex is a 49-year-old married Ugandan with four children and they are all school going. He is a very hard-working man who is always thinking about how to improve his finances.

He is a farmer of coffee, bananas, and also keeps cattle with the help of his wife. He is a repeat borrower of loans from EBO SACCO and has a good credit history.

He has a challenge of low yields due to lack of fertilizers and pesticides on his coffee plantation. He is therefore seeking a loan to purchase fertilizers and pesticides for his coffee plantation in order to improve on the yields.

The money from the yields will be used for household expenses, paying laborers of the plantation, and school fees for his children.

This loan is special because:

It helps increase the productivity and income of rural farmers in Uganda.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details