A loan helped to buy beds and mattresses for his rooms for more customers and income.

Esao's story

Esao is a married man aged 41. He has four children. Esao lives with his family in Kinoni Kiruhura.

Esao is an entrepreneur with a bar and lodging. He is so passionate about business striving to provide for his family through the fruits of his labor.

Esao has few customers because of poor beds and mattresses in the rooms where customers sleep and has decided to take a loan with Ebo Sacco to buy good beds and mattresses for his rooms for the comfort of his customers leading to more customers hence more income.

With this, Esao hopes to get more customers which will help him generate more income that will enable him to continue to meet his family needs and reinvest in his business.

This loan is special because:

It helps increase the productivity and income of rural farmers in Uganda.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details