A loan helped to purchase sugar, rice, soap, jelly, sodas, water to generate more sales.

Daudera's story

Daudera is a 26-year-old from Kinoni Kiruhura. She lives with her partner with 2 children who are in school.

Daudera is a very hard-working businesswoman who sells posho, soap, rice, salt, jelly, sugar. She attends her shop all the time and has a steady customer base.

To expand her business, Daudera applied for a loan with Ebo Sacco to purchase more stock of rice, sugar, soap, jelly, sodas, and water. This season is when people purchase the most for their Christmas.

She hopes to earn more income this Christmas to stock her shop more.

This loan is special because:

It enables access to finance for vulnerable women and youth in rural populations

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details