A loan helped to insulate external walls.

Alla's story

Alla is 29 years old, with two children. She lives with her children and grandmother. She works as a sales specialist, as well as in online sales of an electronic system for gates and cars.

Last year, she began building a house. Right now, the construction has reached the wall insulation stage, which is why she is turning to you for funding. She is requesting funds to insulate external walls, and she will also do decorative stucco work. These energy-efficient updates will help her keep heat in the home and save on heating costs, because her home will heat faster and hold on to heat longer. She is doing everything necessary for her children and grandmother to live in a comfortable environment.

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Eugenia Tietz-Sokolskaya.

This loan is special because:

It helps families improve their living conditions and reduce energy consumption.

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