Jacqueline Beatriz is 44 years old. She is married and has 3 children who are 25, 20 and 13 years old. Her 2 oldest children are independent an her youngest is studying at high school. Her husband has a business painting cars. They live in the city of Portoviejo, a city rich in the production of vegetables and tropical fruits for the domestic market, which has beaches and a variety of tourist sites.
Jacqueline Beatriz is a very good woman who helps her husband with the household expenses. At home in her free time she sells clothes, shoes and bedsheets from catalogues. She sells them to customers around the city. Her customers buy the merchandise on credit and she collects weekly payments. From her home she also sells water, fizzy drinks, beers and desserts. She is grateful to the kind people who are supporting her with loans and hopes to continue to be supported.
This loan is to pay for paints, fillers, utility bills and various tools for her husband's car painting workshop.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Elizabeth Daw. View original language description.