A loan helped to buy dozens of blouses, pants, t-shirts, among other items of clothing.

Marta Lucia's story

This is Marta, a humble woman, age 43, who lives with her family in a little borrowed house. She is from a rural community with a warm-humid climate where she worked raising small animals, especially free-range chickens. Since she left that sector, Marta has been fighting hard to stay afloat and to improve her living condition. She found a a good job in her clothing sales business, and has managed to cover all her and her family's needs.

She wishes to continue boosting her work, and so she requests a new loan to buy dozens of blouses, pants, t-shirts, among other items of clothing. Thus she hopes to increase her sales during this season.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Joann S.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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