A loan helped to purchase more beans, rice, sugar, oil, detergents, candy, and bread, among other products to sell in a store.

Juana Mercedes's story

Juana is 49 years old and studied up to third grade in school. She is a single mother and has a daughter living with her.

Juana has had a store selling basic goods for four and a half years. she started this business out of her own motivation and initiative to generate income and help her family get ahead. The business is located in her home and her daughter helps her to serve customers.

She needs the loan to buy more beans, rice, sugar, oil, detergents, candy, and bread, among other products to sell in her store.

Juana dreams of improving her home and growing her business.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Erin Johnson.

This loan is special because:

It supports single mothers and other vulnerable women.

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