A loan helped to buy gauze, alcohol, a blood pressure monitor, and other equipment that she still needs in order to offer a better service.

Dolores Nathaly's story

Señora Dolores Nathaly and her family live in Picoaza, a place that is very well known for its archaeological complex, Hojas de Jaboncillo, its religious festivals, and its people, the great majority of whom work in informal commerce.

She is a woman who strives day after day to earn her resources and, with them, help her husband to raise their family. She is a nurse and works at patients' homes, doing such tasks as healing, checking blood pressure, giving injections and serums, and other work of her profession. She has many clients who ask for her services, since she does them with much care and professionalism. Thus she manages to earn a dignified living, and she achieves this with the help of the loans. She is very grateful for this and asks that you continue helping her.

This loan is to buy gauze, alcohol, a blood pressure monitor, and other equipment that she still needs in order to offer a better service.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Pam McMurry.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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