A loan helped to purchase bedsheet sets in a great variety of colours, designs, and sizes, and also to do maintenance on a vehicle.

Sandra Elizabeth's story

Sandra Elizabeth and her family live in the city of Portoviejo, an important producer of greens, vegetables and tropical fruit for domestic consumption, and boasting beaches and a variety of tourist sites.

Sandra Elizabeth works in her private vehicle, which she uses to transport her neighbours of the area. They have great trust in the care and affection she gives the children that she takes to school. She works from Monday to Friday during the school year. She also offers a variety of bedsheet sets, selling these from her home where she has the merchandise, and on WhatsApp with home delivery. She sells on credit and collects payments every 8 days.

Sandra Elizabeth is very grateful to the good people who help her with the loans, and hopes that they will continue to support her.

This loan is to purchase bedsheet sets in a great variety of colours, designs, and sizes, and also to do maintenance on her vehicle.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Violeta.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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