Cesar Andres is 26 years old, single, and lives with his parents. They live in the city of Portoviejo, a city rich in the production of vegetables, legumes and tropical fruits for domestic consumption. It also has beaches and a variety of tourist sites. To help his family with part of the household expenses and to have money for his own expenses, he makes a living selling a variety of clothes for ladies, men and children.
Cesar Andres takes them to markets in various sectors of the city where he has his customers, as well as selling through social networks and WhatsApp. He makes deliveries within the city. He is very grateful to the good people who help him with loans and hopes they will continue to help him.
This loan is to buy shirts, trousers, jeans, T-shirts, pyjamas, underpants, bermuda shorts, shorts, lycra, sportswear, etc. His dream is to have a lot of sales and for his family to have good health.
Translated from Spanish. View original language description.