A loan helped to buy items to sell, including mangoes and orange and supplies such as salt, oil, dried fish, coffee, and soap.

Anecita's story

Anecita has worked as a vendor for the last three years She owns a motorcycle with a sidecar and transports her goods, which are mostly fruits, to locals in her town. In her home, she also runs a sari-sari (or variety) store where she sells basic commodities.

Anecita is married to a farmer. Her goal is to continue to improve her income. She has applied for a loan to buy fruits such as mangoes and orange and supplies such as salt, edible oil, dried fish, coffee, and soap to sell to her customers.

Her goal is to have a successful future livelihood.

This loan is special because:

It provides training and capital for this borrower.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details