A loan helped to purchase pants, shirts, blouses, dresses, kids clothing and more.

Emily Nicolle's story

Emily Nicolle and her family live in the Montecristi canton, an area with hardworking people who make handicrafts and sell their products.

She is a hardworking woman who looks for ways to earn resources. With those, she supports her spouse to get ahead for their family. She has been able to do so thanks to the help she has received from loans. For this reason, she is very grateful and would like to continue being supported. She makes a living selling clothing. She sells door to door, from her home and on social media. She sells on credit and collects every 8 days. This helps her to lead a dignified life.

This loan will be used to purchase pants, shirts, blouses, dresses, kids clothing and other garments.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Shannon Perko.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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