A loan helped to buy pants, T-shirts, blouses, shoes, perfumes and other items.

Katiuska Mariela's story

Katiuska Mariela and her family live in the canton of Montecristi, a place where hardworking people produce handicrafts and sell their products.

She is a hard worker who is looking for a way to earn an income and thus help her husband to support their family. She achieves this with the help of loans and is therefore very grateful, and asks for your continued support.

She sells clothing, shoes, perfumes, lotions and other products. Her sales methods are door to door, from her home where she has some displays, and via social networks. She sells on credit and collects weekly, thereby managing to earn a decent living.

This loan is to buy pants, T-shirts, blouses, shoes, perfumes and other items.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Emma Phillips.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

Loan details

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