A loan helped to invest in a bulk purchase of brass and other components for his metal jewelry business.

Dewa's story

Dewa is an artisan from Indonesia who specializes in precious metal jewelry. He would like to invest in a bulk purchase of brass and other components.

Dewa has been selling through NOVICA since 2021. This is his story:

"I was born in Gianyar. My father was a Balinese traditional healer as well as a multi-talented artist. He was a dancer, sculptor and a painter. I am so inspired by his way at life, and I want to follow his footsteps in dedicating my life to the community’s preservation of art and culture. My father taught me how to draw, design and sculpt. Now, after retiring from teaching, I want to focus on design and art by becoming an artist with NOVICA. I draw my inspiration mostly from traditional Balinese foliage and motives found in Balinese architecture. Currently, I work with six silversmiths. I am also assisted by my son. Our traditions and abundant cultural heritage are my biggest sources of inspiration. My jewelry is unique and quite different from other jewelry, because it’s a fusion of traditional and contemporary styles inspired by Balinese architecture and art."

"Thank you for giving me this opportunity. Your help means the world to my business. I am a new artisan, and I hope to give the very best to my customers as my business grows."

Use the link below to view Dewa's precious metal jewelry on the NOVICA site: http://www.novica.com/kiva/14187/

This loan is special because:

It gives artisans working capital at 0% interest rates.

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