Madame Foulematou, married, is 51 years old and the biological mother of one child who is 17 years old and attends school. She also cares for another girl who is 14 years old and also attends school. Holding a sheep by a cord and her hand raised, she is the group's president which is called Avec Kawral Nematabe in the peulh language and Unity/Solidarity in English. This group, made up of 18 dynamic and organized women, has belonged to the village savings group since its creation in 2017. The members of this group amass their savings and give small loans from these savings. They are primarily active in farming and raising livestock and they get along well with one another.
Madame Foulematou and the other members of the group sell their products at the weekly market in their neighbourhood and also those in their region.
With the income of their activities which varies monthly from 50000 to 100000, they manage the household expenses such as school fees, health care etc. This loan will allow them to buy chicks for their chicken coop, a fence for their gardens and also to establish other income generating activities such as small scale commerce by individuals in the group.
In this group: Adama, Foulematou , Kadidiatou, Dienabou, Diarry, Haby, Sagna, Mariama, Dioumo, Bassy, Gnima, Oumou, Mariama, Ansarou, Kadiatou, Kady, Kadidiatou, Ansata
Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Esther Schmit. View original language description.