A loan helped to pay for pandanus leaves to weave local fans and mats to sell.

Moana's story

Thirty-one-year-old Moana lives with her family in a rural area 15 minutes from the city south of Efate. She has a 6-year-old child, who attends school. She earns money by weaving exquisitely designed local mats and fans for her customers, while her partner travels abroad for seasonal work.

Three years ago, she started her business out of self-motivation. The goal of the business is to give her family enough money to cover their everyday needs. She wants to buy a piece of land and construct a permanent home for her family.

In order to weave more mats and fans to sell, she currently intends to purchase pandanus leaves. But she's having financial difficulties. Moana is requesting a loan in order to buy pandanus leaves.

The money made from the business will be used to pay for her child's tuition, home expenses, and future savings. She is motivated to expand the business she runs, give her clients excellent service, and ensure a better future for her family with the help of this loan.

Please lend your support to Moana!

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

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