A loan helped to buy more material needed in her crafts business.

'Ofa's story

'Ofa is married and a mother of a one and only daughter. Her husband works as a farmer, and her child is still in school. This family consist of three members, and they live together in the same house.

She joined this loan program in 2018 to assist her in running her handicrafts business. Before, she started her weaving business, but for the time being she is focusing on her handicrafts business. These are easy for her to make every week and earn money in a quick way.

She focuses on making kiekie in her handicrafts business. She makes kiekie three days a week and designs it using her own design. Once the kiekie is ready, she sells it to the local people and sometime overseas.

Her husband works in their own field to grow crops to feed the family. She earns income from her kiekie business. She is very interested in her crafts business. With this loan given to her, she aims to buy more material needed in her crafts business. With that, she will be able to continue running her crafts business without fail in the future.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details