A loan helped a member to open a store to offer more products such as fried chicken.

Iw Emprendedores Unidos Group's story

The “IW Emprendedores Unidos” community bank, part of the INTI WASI Agency, is composed of eight members who are friends and neighbors of their community and is directed by a board of directors where Ms. Adriana is the president.

Adriana is 19 years old, single, and has no children. She currently has a business selling fast food. The loan she plans to take out will be to increase products for sale such as fried chicken.

This way of working allows her to generate money to support her family financially. She also hopes to continue improving and growing her business, to open a store, and to serve in a more comfortable environment.

Her aspirations are to improve her quality of life and to continue growing personally in order to be able to pay for her expenses.

Adriana asks for your continued trust in her community bank.

In this group: Mikaela Victoria, Gladys , Martin Julio, Nicolas Epifanio, Alfredo, Angel , Adriana, Ricardo Adrian

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Robert Rutledge.

This loan is special because:

It provides low-income, micro entrepreneurs with loans to increase their income.

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