- Raghav Cincinnati, OH, United States
- Rebecca & daughter lexington, MA, United States
- al & miho Markham, Ontario, Canada
- badi shams port alberni, BC, Canada
- CayleighandPatrick
PPaul Sth Queensferry, United Kingdom
- Jessica Knoxville, TN, United States
- Morgan United States
Concepción is 66 years old and lives with his wife, 68 year-old Antonia. He has 4 children who are grown up and no longer live with him as they each have their own family.
This hard-working man's days are spent in the peace and tranquility of the fields of Tiambra village. At dawn every day, Concepción starts his daily routine, preparing his land with natural fertilizers, sowing the seeds that in the future will provide him with good-quality potatoes, peas and corn which he learned to grow when he was still young. Concepción didn't have the opportunity of knowing his parents but grew up with hard-working people who taught him how to work hard and get ahead in life.
Concepción likes to farm because this is the business through which he has managed to get his family ahead in life. It is also the business that most men who live in this part of Peru have learned. He considers the business to be very profitable because the quality of the potatoes, corn and peas that he sows allow him to sell them for a good profit. Concepción also raises guinea pigs of good breed which he sells in the local wholesale market. He likes this business because one of his daughters gave him a pair of guinea pigs as a present. He saw a good business opportunity and began to breed them. In the future, he plans to sow a greater quantity of potatoes and start a guinea pig farm.
Concepción is a member of the "Santa Rosa de Tiambra" community bank and this is the fourth loan that he has received from MFP. He is certain that he will be responsible in making each loan repayment. He is very happy with the work of his community bank because his fellow group members are trustworthy people. Concepción plans to invest his loan in buying natural fertilizers and organic manure. He would also like to buy some guinea pigs to start his farm project.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized. View original language description.