A loan helped a member buy food products for resale.

Kawsara Sopp Serigne Assane Fall Group's story

This "banc villageois" was created in May 2009 and is made up of good women who are active in commerce. They live in the same neighborhood and maintain good relationships with each other. It is a dynamic group committed to the village community.
Madam Maty is a married woman, aged 37 and mother of 5 daughters all in school. She is active in the trade of food products. This is the representative of the group, she is on the right of the photo with one hand raised.
She plans to buy 10 cans of oil of 20 liters each, 10 bags of rice of 25 kg each, and 2 bags of sugar of 50 kg each.
She manages to sell her merchandise because she has good sales techniques and also she is known in the market where she has her store.
With her profit she will strengthen her business, her savings in the village bank, and provide for her needs and those of her children.

In this group: Maty, Maguette, Daba, Aida, Adja

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Madeleine Schwartz.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural and suburban Senegal.

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