A loan helped a member to buy 100 kilos of peanuts and 3 bags of peanuts.

Loyenne Group's story

Mme Khodia, who is on the right of the photo with her hand raised, is the representative of the group. She, 58, is married and the mother of 5 children, 2 of whom are girls. Mme Khodia sells millet and peanuts. She stocks up at the weekly markets and in her village and resells retail in the surrounding villages. The profits drawn permit her to increase her savings and contribute to the familial expenses.

In this group: Ndeye, Aita, Sokhna, Awa , Kany, Dieynaba, Aminata, Khodia , Yama, Mame, Lobé, Atta , Soukeye, Fana, Dié, Khodia, Aminata, Lolly, Rockhy, Delame , Adama, Fatou, Atta, Khady, Fatou

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Hannah Ridge.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural and suburban Senegal.

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