Habibatou Penda, who is on the right of the photo raising her hand, is the representative of the group.
She is 61 years old, married and mother of five children including two girls.
Habibatou Penda sells fruit juices.
She stocks up at the market in her neighbourhood with sugar, baobab fruit, redcurrants and ingredients for making her products and resells them in her local neighbourhood.
The profits earned will enable her to boost her savings and to help with managing the family expenses.
In this group: Arabi, Mariama Diélo, Habibatou Penda, Sia, Yaye Mama, Mouskéba, Mariama, Mariama Alpha, Dalanda, Khady, Maimouna, Aissata, Salimatou Youssouf , Binta, Fatoumata, Macouta, Ramatoulaye , Djilang, Sawdatou, Maimouna, Aminata, Kadidiatou , Ramata Dioulde, Sophie, Aissatou Bambi, Rose
Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Joanne Assheton. View original language description.