A loan helped a member to buy more spare parts to sell.

Duteraninkunga Cba Sub Group B's story

Duteraninkunga CBA Sub group B is a group represented by Angelique who is 38 years old. The group members work hard to improve their standard of living. Angelique is married with 4 children between 3 and 16 years old. In English, the group name means supporting each other.

Angelique sells spare parts and has been doing this business for the past 7 years. With the loan, she would like to buy more spare parts to sell.

The profits from Angelique's business will be used to increase her savings.

In this group: Elyse, Aline, Jonas, Augustin, Dorcas, Jean, Nyirazaninka, Mugiraneza, Marie, Gloria, Alice, Dalhia, Hilarie, Bill, Francine, Aurelie, Julienne, Angelique

This loan is special because:

It provides financial opportunities to riskier Rwandan entrepreneurs who rely on social collateral.

Loan details

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Loan details