A loan helped a member to buy cows.

Ang Cang 145 Group's story

Luu is an ethnic minority woman living in Ang Cang, a northwest commune in Viet Nam. In this photo she stands on the right.

Living in a place where agriculture is the primary source of income for every household, her family is no exception. She works in the fields every day. Along with rice and coffee cultivation, she raises pigs for additional income. She has much experience in raising cows and besides, she finds these animals is easy to care for and have less disease, so she wants to buy more cows to expand her business.

However, she did not have enough capital. Therefore, she applied and then got a loan from the Anh Chi Em program to fulfill her purpose. If the business goes well, she will use the profit to invest in breeding. She hopes for her family to have a healthy and happy life and for her business to do well.

In this group: Luu, Linh , Tuoi

This loan is special because:

It provides financial and other support to families living in vulnerable communities.

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